Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chronomage WIP

She's gonna freeze some serious time, so watch out, okay?

Illuxcon is gonna be so much fun. I'm going with a great group of students, and I'm so pumped to meet all those great artists in person! 


oepn said...

Nice! I'm really liking the glowing effect on the hand.

On a related note, here's a song to chronomagic to: The Sword - "The Chronomancer I: Hubris"

Look up the lyrics for extra fun.

Aaron Fryer said...

Im feelin it!


Sara Wilson said...

i can't wait to see this further developed. i really enjoy all of the subtle textures and colors in her face; and her expression is great.

Amandas Sketches said...

Love it. The face is so interesting to look at!